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'Marvel's Avengers' Needs To Make These Five Heroes Playable

'Marvel's Avengers' Needs To Make These Five Heroes Playable

Let's hope Square Enix assembles these guys.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

When Marvel's Avengers arrives on May 15 2020, we know that the game will offer at least six playable heroes, each with their own unique powers and abilities that should (hopefully) help to keep gameplay feeling fresh, fun, and surprising.

Iron Man will combine high-tech weaponry with flight, Thor will be a heavy hitter that uses his mighty hammer to knock seven shades of Asgard out of opponents, Black Widow will switch between her guns and hand-to-hand combat, Captain America will make use of his shield to disobey the laws of physics, and Hulk will... well, Hulk smash.

We discovered over the weekend that this core cast of Avengers will be joined by none other than Ms Marvel herself, AKA Kamala Khan. She'll be able to use her shape shifting abilities to stretch into all kinds of wild shapes which should make her an interesting addition to the cast. It was the news of Khan's inclusion that got me thinking which other heroes I want to see join the game - either at launch or DLC.

Now, I've always had a deep - some would say unhealthy - love for the Marvel universe, both cinematic and comic book, so I decided to limit myself to just five characters, otherwise we'd be here all day.

I'm also purposefully leaving Spidey out of this list, because I'd be willing to bet my mint condition copy of Spectacular Spider-Man #189 that the webhead will be in Marvel's Avengers at some point, and that it'll probably be the Insomniac version of the character. Let's get to it, then.

Doctor Strange


Doctor Stephen Strange's proclivity for the mystic arts would immediately set him apart from all of the other characters in Marvel's Avengers. After all, everyone else in the game so far has either built their own tech or acquired their abilities through science, so having the good Doctor burst onto the scene with his own set of magical abilities would make for some genuinely interesting gameplay - in theory

I'm thinking/dreaming that Doctor Strange would be able to make use of portals and manipulate his surroundings to take down enemies, rather than simply moves that are essentially exactly the same as Iron Man's but "magic". Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 basically committed just such a sin, and I'm still not quite over it.

Captain Marvel


It's pretty simple: if there's a Ms Marvel on the scene, there absolutely has to be a Captain Marvel out there somewhere. While Kamala Khan is a huge Avengers fan, it's Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel that she stans hardest of all, so let's hope she gets to meet her ultimate hero at some point during the game.

I'm aware that there's a certain group of Rotten Tomatoes review-bombers who probably won't want to hear this, but Danvers is an absolute powerhouse of a fighter, and crushing hordes of bad guys with her unstoppable cosmic powers would be an absolute blast. Just imagine the final scene in Captain Marvel, except you're actually playing it yourself. Bliss.



Daredevil is nowhere near the same league as heroes like Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange when it comes to power, but he is far and away one of the coolest Marvel characters out there, and his signature blend of martial arts prowess and gymnastic aptitude would make him a graceful, fluid fighter best suited to some Arkham-style combo-based brawls.

His inclusion in the game would also neatly shine a light on some of the street-level problems that the Avengers rarely deal with themselves, and could open the door for the inclusion of fellow defenders Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist, the latter of which is a great character, no matter how badly Netflix messed him up, I swear to God.

Black Panther

Black Panther
Black Panther

Like Daredevil, I feel Black Panther would be a good way for Marvel's Avengers to include a more fluid and free-flowing style of combat that stands apart from Captain America and Black Widow. After all, King T'Challa has a beautiful fighting style that would no doubt look incredible on screen - and feel utterly badass to actually control.

Of all five heroes on this list, I'm most convinced that Black Panther will make an appearance (followed closely by Captain Marvel). There's no way that the Avengers won't pay a visit to Wakanda during some point in the game's story, where we'll surely have a run in with T'Challa. Whether he appears as a playable character or not remains to be seen, but I'd damn-well hope it's the former.


20th Century Fox

If I may offer a quick confession: I can't actually stand Deadpool. With that said, I know there are far more people out there who'd love to see the merc with a moth included in Marvel's Avengers than people who wouldn't, so it would be wrong of me not to include him on this here list.

If nothing else, having the gobby, fourth-wall-breaking anti-hero running around alongside this version of the Avengers - especially during what looks to be one of the darker periods of their history - would make for some pretty welcome comic relief. Plus, you know, he can use guns and swords and plenty of other crazy gadgets in combat, so I'd be up for it for the gameplay possibilities alone.

If there are any heroes (or villains) you'd really love to see in Marvel's Avengers, be sure to let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Square Enix/20th Century Fox

Topics: Marvel's Avengers