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BLACK gets stunning 4K 60fps remaster

BLACK gets stunning 4K 60fps remaster

First-person shooter BLACK has received a stunning 4K 60fps fan remaster.

Can you believe that BLACK was released 17 years ago? How time flies. Fans of the first-person shooter are eager to see the IP return in some way but while official news remains non-existent, one fan has taken matters into their own hands by creating an incredible 4K 60fps remaster.

If you’re not familiar with BLACK, allow me to bring you up to speed. Released in 2006 on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, the game centred around CIA black ops personnel Jack Kellar. After being captured and interrogated, Jack is forced into revealing actions he’d taken against the terrorist organisation Seventh Wave. The game then recounts the events that led to Jack’s capture. Sounds intriguing, right? Despite its popularity, plans for a sequel to BLACK were scrapped, forcing fans to campaign for a reboot. Their efforts remain unsuccessful but if you did enjoy BLACK, this fan project will likely be of interest.

Take a look at some of our favourite PlayStation 2 games below.

YouTuber Levan has set about making a 4K 60fps remaster of the iconic game. They wrote, “[BLACK] is a very good game - so nostalgic. Sadly, there was never a sequel or a PC port.” Unfortunately, their remaster isn’t available to download and play yet, but you can enjoy watching some gameplay footage over on Levan’s channel. Take a look below.

The project has gone down very well with fellow BLACK fans. “Loved this game and it looks so much more vivid,” one viewer wrote, while another added, “Never knew why they never made it like this for PS4 remastered. This is a classic.” Someone else commented, “The soundtrack for this game is absolute [fire].”

Levan was running the game using PCSX2, a free and open-source PlayStation 2 emulator. While you can’t download Levan’s full project, they do have their ReShadePreset available to download so if you have BLACK running, you too can boost the graphics.

Featured Image Credit: EA, Levan via YouTube

Topics: EA, PlayStation, Xbox