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Blizzard Make Eyes At Henry Cavill For ‘Dreamy’ Role In Future Warcraft Movie

Blizzard Make Eyes At Henry Cavill For ‘Dreamy’ Role In Future Warcraft Movie

A Witcher in Azeroth

Mike Diver

Mike Diver

Now that Henry Cavill's made the role of Geralt of Rivia his own in the Witcher franchise - season two of the Netflix show is coming soon - you might wonder if the (Super)man has any other games-adjacent castings in mind.

Well, if Blizzard has anything to do with, um, Henry's Future Casting Decisions, it might well be that he steps into the shoes of another character seen on gamers' screens. A mock-up of Cavill as World of Warcraft's Lich King, for an entirely made-up Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King poster (as reported by PC Gamer), caught the eye of a few folk at and related to Blizzard, the studio behind all things Warcraft-y.

Here's the poster, which was created by Mustafa Kemal Sezeroğlu. (Please click his name to see his other work.)

Henry Cavill as the Lich King /
Mustafa Kemal Sezeroğlu, Blizzard Entertainment, Netflix

As PC Gamer reports, this image, once shared on Reddit in the wake of Cavill's promo shots for the second season of The Witcher, gained some serious attention - attention that soon reached several Blizzard employees past and present, including Chris Metzen, who as senior vice president at Blizzard worked extensively across the narrative side of Warcraft (and also Diablo, and StarCraft). Also sometimes known as, ahem, 'Thundergod', the now former Blizzard employee Metzen tweeted that Henry would make a good Arthas, and that he's dreamy. Sounds like an endorsement, to me. A similar tweet of approval was posted by author Christie Golden, who's written a load of Warcraft-related novels.

And as for what the Lich King himself, Arthas Menethil, looks like, here's art from Blizzard, from 2007. I don't know enough about the character's backstory to delve into any biographical information, but hey, he looks pretty mean, huh. The skulls are usually a giveaway.

The Lich King /
Blizzard Entertainment

IDK, I can... kind of see it? I mean, any big (or small, given that fan art does mention "series") screen version of a Warcraft character is likely to be somewhat downplayed from the video game appearances, as they're so wonderfully, fantastically exaggerated. But it's clearly got people excited, as another Reddit user, r/Shura184, mocked up their own version of Henry as Arthas - which sure isn't terrible, at all.

I photoshopped Henry Cavill as Arthas after seeing Chris Metzens tweet endorsing him for the role from r/wow

This... this works, right? For as and when and if a Warcraft production with the Lich King ever materialises. I can see it. Sorta?

Of course, none of this means that a Warcraft movie like this is in the works, or a series either; and nor does it mean that Henry Cavill is actually being lined up for a role in the production that doesn't exist. It's just some fun, is all. Some fun between friends. And we all benefit from a little of that, don't we.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix, Blizzard Entertainment

Topics: The Witcher, World of Warcraft