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Horny Mass Effect Fans Can Now Buy A Garrus Body Pillow

Horny Mass Effect Fans Can Now Buy A Garrus Body Pillow

Spend the long nights cuddled up with the turian special agent you taught to love.

Julian Benson

Julian Benson

All of you people out there who are horny for Garrus, the sexy star of the Mass Effect universe, will be happy to know that Bioware is now selling a full length body pillowcase. Switch out your current body pillow companion, slip on the new case, and you can snuggle up against Garrus Vakarian, the turian special agent with the heart of phwoar.

Although this was announced on April Fools day, this is a very real thing that you can buy. It was originally an April Fools joke Bioware made back in 2014, but after five years of contemplating getting into the business of satisfying their fans' lust (even moreso), the studio has decided it can hold back the horn no longer.

The pillowcase will set you back $30 (£22.94) and won't ship until June 17, but that means you should still be able to cuddle with the man you taught to love in those long summer nights.

Importantly, the pillow case is printed on both sides, so you can either have Garrus lie on his side to spoon/be spooned by/stare lovingly into his eyes (and blue augmented reality lense) or you can have him lie on his back seductively, allowing you to lie next to him and talk long into the night about the star systems you would go to if only that damn Elon Musk would hurry up and make you a Normandy of your own.

It's made of brushed polyester so it should be machine washable. In case it gets, er, messed. You can order a Garrus body pillow on Jinx's store.

Will you be buying a bed companion? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter.Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Bioware, Mass Effect, EA