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This Leaker Claims CoD Zombies' TranZit Map Is Returning In CoD 2020

This Leaker Claims CoD Zombies' TranZit Map Is Returning In CoD 2020

Take it with a brain of salt, though

Vikki Blake

Vikki Blake

A known Call of Duty leaker believes a remake of fan-favourite Black Ops II zombies map, TranZit, is on its way to the next Call of Duty game.

While we don't yet know what the new CoD game is called or what it will be about - details are pretty scarce right now - YouTuber TheGamingRevolution reckons developer Treyarch will not only be ensuring zombies return in the next game, but also plans to bring back the iconic map, too.


While the leaker's source hasn't come right out and confirmed that TranZit will definitely return, apparently they have sent gifs and winking emojis every time TGR brings it up... so make of that what you will.

Here, have a listen to TGR's explanation yourself - the Zombies talk kicks off a little after three minutes in his update posted earlier today (thanks, Dexerto):

TGR goes as far as to report that there are game files available right now that indicate a TranZit remaster is already in development, but he believes Activision is currently holding off on a formal announcement for now.

Given there was sadly no zombies mode in 2019's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, this should be great news indeed for zombie fans everywhere. But - obviously - take the news with a giant bucket of salt. Until we get official word from Treyarch or Activision, this is pure speculation for now.


In related news, remember when Infinity Ward introduced a 10v10 shipment mode as an April Fool's joke on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans, and it was complete and utter carnage? Well, surprise! Joke's on us now - it's back. Yes, really.

As we reported at the time, Infinity Ward made a play on a classic meme with the "COD Players Only Want One Thing" playlist containing the unthinkable: 10v10 chaos on the cramped and claustrophobic Shipment map. Apparently, it made such an impression on players that the developer has brought it back, making Shipment 24/7 Shipment 10v10.

What do you think of the rumours? Let us know - join our community and talk to us via Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Treyarch, Call of Duty, Activision