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Ovewatch 2 launch has been a hot mess, but the memes are spicy

Ovewatch 2 launch has been a hot mess, but the memes are spicy

No one could have foreseen this happening. No. Not in a million years.

Overwatch 2's horrendous login and server issues are so severe that even Blizzard Entertainment staff are unable to get into the game.

I doubt even Cassandra could have had the foresight to realise that shifting over nine million players to a new game all at the same time might incur a modicum of chaos. Totally unprecedented. Overwatch 2 offers new ways to play too, with five-versus-five multiplayer, the new Push mode, and three new heroes, so those with a competitive streak will want to dive feet first into the new structures and characters to get to grips with them.

Check out the trailer for Overwatch 2 below - it might be the closest you actually get to the game any time soon.

The sheer number of players all trying to play the game has placed the servers under huge strain and there was DDoS attack that took the game out for a significant chunk of time. These factors, as well as the requirement for a phone verification for accounts that is locking out those on a pre-paid contract, has caused some to see red. Others, however, are at least finding the humour in the launch issues. The duality of man and so on

The Blizzard team is, of course, extremely conscious of these events. Since the start of the launch, the queues have been merged into one singular queue, a login server has been patched as a priority and further server updates are on the way, and the player database is being improved to prevent dropouts.

Featured Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

Topics: Overwatch 2