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The next Fallout game set to skip PlayStation, we're afraid

The next Fallout game set to skip PlayStation, we're afraid

Fallout 5 might turn-out to be an Xbox exclusive, sorry PlayStation fans

Fallout 5 is starting to look more and more like an Xbox exclusive, bad news for PlayStation fans.

Following the success and hype of the Fallout TV series, it’s no surprise fans are eager to play a new game in the series.

If you’ve never played a Fallout game before but loved the TV show, check out the below video for the best place to start

It seems Xbox is just as eager as fans are too, as it was recently reported the company is seriously considering handing development of Fallout 5 over to a different studio to get the game out quicker, something that hasn’t been done since Fallout: New Vegas.

Bethesda is still putting the finishing touches on Starfield whilst developing The Elder Scrolls VI, meaning Fallout 5’s release date is still years and years away.

Now speedrunning the game’s development to capitalise on the growing success of the series is one thing, though it’s believed Xbox has something even more drastic in mind as well.

The latest theories and rumours suggest Fallout 5 is still being planned as an Xbox and PC exclusive, meaning PlayStation fans could potentially be left out despite the other games being available on their consoles.

It makes sense considering Starfield was made exclusive to Xbox, and despite rumours a few weeks ago that a PlayStation port is in development it seems the company is planning to keep it that way.

This means from a business standpoint it’d make sense to do the same for Fallout 5, and even The Elder Scrolls VI, though it’d obviously run the risk of upsetting a large portion of the fanbase.

It’s unknown when Fallout 5 is planned to release, as if Bethesda stay at the helm it’ll likely be sometime in the 2030’s, though handing it off to a different studio could bump it up to before the end of the decade.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Fallout, Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Bethesda