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PC gamers can claim 2 free games, including a critically-acclaimed horror

PC gamers can claim 2 free games, including a critically-acclaimed horror

PC gamers can claim 2 free games from the Epic Games Store, including a critically-acclaimed horror.

The latest Epic Games Store free offerings have arrived, and PC players can now claim two games - one of them being a critically-acclaimed horror. Perfect as we approach Halloween.

If you haven’t yet grabbed the previous batch of Epic Games freebies, you have just a few more hours to do so. PC players can currently download Blazing Sails and Q.U.B.E Ultimate Bundle. Blazing Sails is a “fast paced pirate PvP game” where you’ll create your own unique pirate and ship, and join together with other players in a battle to rule the seas. Q.U.B.E Ultimate Bundle is a puzzler which includes Q.U.B.E 10th Anniversary, Q.U.B.E 2 and the sequel’s season pass. Both games are only available to claim until 4PM today. At that point, you’ll then be able to nab The Evil Within and Eternal Threads.

Horror Dead Space is heading to Xbox Game Pass.

Released back in 2014, The Evil Within is a survival horror game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. Centred around protagonist Sebastian Castellanos, you’re pulled into a series of nightmarish locations, battling monstrous enemies. Over on Metacritic, the game garnered some very positive review scores upon release.

IGN rated the game an 8.7, writing, “The Evil Within is a brutal, challenging, and remarkably fun game. Its eerie world and imaginative enemies are genuinely frightening, and the scares are heightened significantly by the scarcity of resources at your disposal. It keeps the odds stacked against you to the point that they often feel insurmountable, yet it’s finely tuned to ensure that they never really are.”

The other freebie available is Eternal Threads. This is a single-player first-person narrative puzzler, incorporating “manipulation, choice, and consequence.” The synopsis reads, “As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.” Grab both games from later today until 26 October.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks, Secret Mode

Topics: PC, Epic Games, Free Games