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Ape Escape and MediEvil finally revived for PlayStation 5

Ape Escape and MediEvil finally revived for PlayStation 5

Feel all the feels with two classics coming to PlayStation 5!

Everyone is talking about the PlayStation Plus games joining 15 August 2023, but the focus is mostly on the newer releases on the list. Yet, there’s a couple of classic games finally coming to PS5 as well.

If you’ve been waiting for Ape Escape and/or MediEvil to finally be available on PS5, then your wait is almost over. That’s right, Sony is spoiling its subscribers by including these two absolute bangers.

Become a F.A.R.T by watching the Moving Out 2 trailer!

We doubt you need an introduction to these games – they’re classics for a reason. But just in case your memory is foggy, or you’re too young to remember, allow us to give a brief lesson on the wonders of Ape Escape: On the Loose and MediEvil.

Let’s start with Ape Escape: On the Loose. A remake of the original Age Escape, it was released as a launch day game for the PlayStation Portable aka the PSP.

Despite being a remake of the original, On the Loose featured some updates to accommodate the controls of the PSP. Alongside control changes, other features, such as mini games, were added into the mix to really make this game pop.

It’s definitely a game of its time; more polished than 90s games, but still a vivid, pixelated sea of blocky textures.

As for MediEvil Resurrection coming to PlayStation Plus, it’s a slasher action game that will keep you on your toes in the way only a 90s remastered video game can. You might rage quit before the end, but it’ll be worth it!

Although the original game came out in 1998, MediEvil Resurrection was the remake for the PSP in 2005 and so it underwent a few upgrades – rewind, and quick saves being the most notable features.

Both games received praise at the time of their releases, and have since developed a cult-like following of devoted fans who have waited for the day the PS5 would reward their patience.

In our humble opinion, there's two classics are the stars of the show here. However, there’s other notable games on the way, including two launch day releases. To ensure you get both of these fresh-faced games, you’ll need to be a PlayStation Plus Premium and Extra member. This is because Sea of Stars, which launches on 29 August 2023, is only available to PS Plus Extra subs.

Given the fact that Sea of Stars is more highly anticipated than Moving Out 2 (the other launch-day release), PS owners might want to consider a little upgrade to ensure they get the most out of their membership. Though don’t let us sway you – we’re all about those classics, mainly so we can relive the glory days of our youth.

Ape Escape: On the Loose and MediEvil Resurrection will be available on PlayStation Plus Premium from 15 August 2023.

Featured Image Credit: PlayStation

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus