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Unreal Engine 5 free download is near-impossible to separate from real life

Unreal Engine 5 free download is near-impossible to separate from real life

This looks better than real life

Video games take yet another step towards looking as crisp as real life, much to our horror and amazement.

An Unreal Engine 5 download of next-gen graphics are leaving gamers in awe at how realistic graphics have become.

“We are living in the Matrix for sure,” said one YouTuber, and we have to admit that the same thought crossed our minds.

The download in question isn’t specifically a game; as one comment reads, “Very nice and gritty looking walking simulator.”

We're not going to life, this Unreal Engine 5 next-gen demo looks so damn good we're struggling to tell it apart from real life!

Although disappointing news to some, this demo of what the Unreal Engine is capable of does a fine job of getting our appetites whet for future titles, such as Fallout 5.

“I want the next Fallout game to look like this!” another YouTuber commented further down the long thread of comments.

As do we. However, we’ve got some grave news for Fallout fans: the next Fallout title might not launch on PlayStation. Sorry, folks, we don’t make the rules – Bethesda does.

For those of you who want a download that delivers much that a stunning looking walking sim, there’s the glorious Zelda: Ocarina of Time remake available to download as well.

As long-time Legend of Zelda fans, we can confirm it looks picture perfect.

The Unreal Engine has been impressing gamers for some time now, so in truth, we shouldn’t be surprised by these graphics.

Yet here we are, wowed by how tough it is to separate this experience from real life. No, we're not joking.

Our biggest gripe so far is whether our PCs can handle such graphics; other users have similar worries. “That is amazing, I wish my pc could have run that without giving 60 frames per day,” one player joked.

Featured Image Credit: Digital Dreams – YouTube

Topics: Unreal Engine, PC