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Starfield gameplay leak seriously divides fans

Starfield gameplay leak seriously divides fans

It isn't what the leak shows, it's how badly it's recorded.

If you’re not mouthing the word Starfield in your sleep at this point, you’re doing life wrong. Virtually everyone is talking about this Bethesda release.

The net is swamped with news about this new space RPG, and for good reason – from majestically watching a live performance of its soundtrack at Gamescom 2023's ONL, to the news that players will be able to recruit 20 different companions, there’s so much to this game we need to talk about. The list of information grows by the day, and while a lot of the news does little to spoil its upcoming release, there’s some details that have leave fans divided, like a recent gameplay leak.

Enjoy the live action trailer for Starfield in all its glory!

Do not click the links in the Reddit post unless you want to see exactly what fans are talking about – spoilers are everywhere, so view with caution. We’re not looking at this latest Starfield leak, but needless to say, fans have a lot of thoughts on what they’ve seen. Mainly, how the individual who captured the game did an awful job. “It has all the hallmarks of a great leak. Portrait phone and baby crying in the background. Stellar,” said Redditor dan_rekt. Meanwhile, it was the player's poor dexterity that drew ample attention, as gossi explains, “My fave thing is him taking over TEN MINUTES to put his helmet on.”

Amongst the chatter about how badly executed the recording is, fans are glad to see the gameplay looks as incredible as they’d hoped. People have already lost entire nights to the game, it’s that damn enjoyable, with initial reviews already giving Starfield a massive thumbs up; everything says this game is going to deliver the goods. User Captainatom931 said, “If this is the engine they're using for Elder Scrolls VI then we're in for a really good time because this is easily the smoothest looking game Bethesda has ever made.”

Any fan of Bethesda knows that its games, while entertaining, can be riddled with all sorts of annoying bugs. It never stops them becoming beloved by fans, like Fallout New Vegas, but it does mean everyone has a really good moan about any issues they run into. Could Starfield be the game that runs without the familiar janky bugs that have hounded Bethesda before? We can but hope, though we’re going to love this game regardless.

There’s still just over a week until its review embargo lifts, and then a further six days until its official launch. When Starfield is out, it’ll be available on Xbox and PC (sorry, PlayStation).

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Bethesda, PC, Starfield, Xbox