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Skyrim fans agree the Stormcloaks are the 'wrong' side

Skyrim fans agree the Stormcloaks are the 'wrong' side

They're giving bad guy vibes

Debate often rages on Reddit and everyone loves a good debate on the inherent goodness or evil qualities of an RPG faction. The latest in the conversation is Skyrim's Stormcloaks, a faction which directly opposes the Imperials.

Choosing which faction to side with is a large part of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Whether you're playing casually, or following the lore to the letter, this decision is one with gravity. There are reasons to join the Stormcloaks. As one Redditor points out, "The Stormcloak officer armour looks awesome". Wouldn't it be nice if the look of armour was the only consideration?

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Another mentions that they describe themselves as rebels, which many of us link to being a good thing, much like in Star Wars. They're joined by a fair few people who reason that they were younger when they played, so they chose the more exciting sounding option. And who doesn't want to join a rebellion and stick it to the man? Except here, the history is a lot deeper than that.

Generally though, it seems most believe they are on the wrong side of history, and the future. There are various reasons Redditors give: "If you're roleplaying a Nord born in Skyrim, it is logical," or, "Ulfric honestly feels kind of arrogant."

One person comments that things are tainted by real life: "It's interesting how many folks in this thread are viewing Skyrim politics through the lens of their own political views. And taking them just as seriously." To some degreee, they're right, as further down the thread one comment reads, "I've heard Ulfric speak. Seems like he's at least got his head and heart in the right place," contradicting the comment above.

Stormcloaks do carry many negatives, but some comment that it's the same whichever choice you make. I guess, in this argument for now, Stormcloaks are looking at each other and asking, 'Are we the baddies?'

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Skyrim, Bethesda