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GTA 6 pre-order details appear online, may be coming sooner than expected

GTA 6 pre-order details appear online, may be coming sooner than expected

Will you be pre-ordering?

At this point with GTA 6 it's hard to track what's real, what's not real, and what's just hopeful speculation. Every day brings a new nugget of information which could reveal more about the anticipated sequel while we all wait for the trailer to appear in early December.

This is certainly the case with some pre-order details leaking online from a retailer. On 23 November conversations occurred between a GTA fan and the British retailer, Argos, with the latter claiming that pre-orders for GTA 6 will open 12 December.

Hopefully the release of the trailer will bring a lot of specualtion to an end

While it could be an honest mistake, a placeholder date or Argos not having the relevant information, the date tracks. Rockstar Games have already said that we can expect the trailer in early December, and it would make sense - plus be a bombshell - if pre-orders opened as soon as the trailer ends.

The comment from the official Argos Twitter account said “I have been informed the software Grand Theft Auto VI for the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 will be available to pre-order on December 12, 2023, confirmed to us by the distributors."

It's time for a pinch of salt and perhaps a rough landing back to solid ground. This could be anything - it could even be a staff member stoking the fire. At this point it's hard to know. Rockstar Universe, a long-established website for all things Rockstar Games, swiftly debunked this date after getting in contact with the retailer's helpline.

Retailers will, of course, get early word on pre-orders, especially as this game could break servers when orders finally go live, but for now we'll have to wait and see. It's not too much longer to wait for the trailer, right? RIGHT?

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA 6, GTA 5, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto