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'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Devs Announce Crucial Fix For Matchmaking

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Devs Announce Crucial Fix For Matchmaking

Hold on tight.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

If you're a regular player of either Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare or Call Of Duty: Warzone, you might have noticed extended matchmaking times over the last week or so. I know I have, and I'm happy to report that we're not all imagining it. Ever since Infinity Ward dropped the massive April 28th update for Modern Warfare and its battle royale spinoff, wait times to get into games have been longer.

Activision Support (via CharlieIntel) claimed to have resolved the issue last Friday (May 1st). Unfortunately, a lot of us who played Modern Warfare or Warzone over the weekend experienced plenty of issues while trying to join games. Personally, I saw a fair few extended wait times, matches that didn't even load at all, and some fairly horrendous lag. Not ideal.

The good news is that Infinity Ward now believes it's identified the problem and is working on a fix. Multiplayer director Joe Cecot confirmed the news in response to a fan on Twitter. The bad news? There doesn't seem to be any ETA on when we can expect this fix... so if you've been hit repeatedly by these issues while trying to play, you're going to have to put up with it for a while longer.

I can't imagine we'll be waiting too long for a fix, of course. This seems to be a pretty prominent issue right now, and I like to think making sure players can actually get into games of Modern Warfare and Warzone will be something of a priority. The studio tends to be pretty rapid when it comes to identifying and fixing problems, so just hang tight.

Warzone /

In other Call Of Duty news, Infinity Ward has been busy teasing what we can expect as part of the game's fourth season of content. According to narrative director Taylor Kurosaki, there'll be new characters, mysteries, and maybe new areas of the map.

"Players have already discovered that there is a whole other part of Verdansk they haven't seen yet," he teased. "They have found clues, and that there is more than meets the eye in this city. Season 4 will unravel some of those mysteries and unlock some of them for our players."

Modern Warfare and Warzone are still in the middle of Season 3, but Season 4 is expected to arrive some time in early June. A fix for the current matchmaking issues will almost certainly arrive before then, though.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward, Warzone, Call of Duty, Battle Royale, Activision