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'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Has A Terrifying, Game-Breaking New Glitch

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Has A Terrifying, Game-Breaking New Glitch

This is genuinely alarming.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Call Of Duty: Warzone is no stranger to the odd glitch, but this latest one might just be the most alarming yet. Multiple players have now reported running into an occasionally game-breaking bug in which gun textures can completely corrupt and turn players' hands into giant, spiky black gauntlets that cough out bullets.

This particular issue seems to have become more of a problem since the game's Season 5 patch last week, and comes in varying levels of severity. For some, it simply screws up the gun textures, making for a seriously weird look, as you can see below.

Other, unluckier players, have it much worse. There are reports of players picking up weapons, only for the glitch to completely take over the entire screen with its twisted mass of chaotic spikes and shapes. Far from ideal when you're trying to play a game that requires you to see what you're doing, where you're going, and who you're shooting.

It's not entirely clear what's causing this issue, but it seems to be related to in-game textures. Even players who aren't personally affected by the glitch have reported running into terrifying purple shapes that seem to be able to shift through walls and shoot at unsuspecting folk. Evidently, these strange cubes are other players, trapped inside a swirling vortex of broken textures and chaos. That doesn't make running into one any less horrifying, as you can see below.

It looks like Infinity Ward is at least aware of the problem, which means a fix should probably arrive soon. If you head over to the public Modern Warfare / Warzone Trello, you'll see that "reports of corruption appearing on the end of weapons after the latest update" is listed as an in-progress fix. There's no exact date on when we can expect this particular nightmare to be over, but players have confirmed removing certain customisation options from your loadout can put a stop to the issue.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to stop scavenged weapons or guns picked up in the Gulag from causing the glitch. It seems that only Infinity Ward can stop the invasion of the cube people. We just have to wait this one out.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward, Warzone, Call of Duty, Activision