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'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Removes Controversial Vehicle From Solos Mode

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Removes Controversial Vehicle From Solos Mode

Wheel I never.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

The latest update for Call Of Duty: Warzone has addressed an issue with vehicles that players were finding particularly annoying. Anyone who's dabbled in the free-to-play battle royale will by now surely have fallen foul of what I honestly think is one of the worst ways to die in the game: Being ran down by some prick in a car.

While you can always see vehicles coming on the minimap, their speed, health, and easy-to-control nature make them incredibly dangerous weapons. I'm not saying you shouldn't run people down to win if you get a chance, but I do personally think there's absolutely no honour in getting kills that way.

Call Of Duty: Warzone /

Players have started to refer to this as the vehicle meta, and developer Infinity Ward is now mercifully attempting to implement changes that makes cruising around in an armoured vehicle waiting for fresh meat a less viable option. Just recently changes were made to the hitbox of most vehicles. Previously, you'd barely need to tap someone with your car to register a kill. Now, you actually have to run them down.

Infinity Ward is now going even further, and I couldn't be happier. Armoured trucks have now been completely removed from Warzone's Solos mode. This particular vehicle is arguably the most dangerous owing to its extra-high endurance (it's armoured, after all).

In modes where you're playing with teams of three or four, it's a lot easier to take one of these bad boys out, or at least snipe any teammates who might be riding on the back of the truck. But if you hopped in one during a Solo game? You were damn-near unstoppable.

All other vehicles currently remain in Solos mode, which is fine for now. The chopper is a lot harder to get kills with then it used to be, and most of the other cars are way easier to take down. That's not to say they couldn't still do with some tweaking though, so I'll be interested to see where the vehicle meta goes over the next few weeks.

In other Modern Warfare/Warzone Season 3 news, a recent update to the main game's multiplayer just brought back a classic mode, while Warzone got a limited time mode that... well, people hated it. Learn and grow, Infinity Ward, that's all you can do.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward, Warzone, Call of Duty, Battle Royale, Activision