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'COD: Black Ops Cold War' To Revive Prestige System, According To Dataminers

'COD: Black Ops Cold War' To Revive Prestige System, According To Dataminers

10th Prestige, here we come.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Dataminers have uncovered new evidence that Treyarch will be bringing back the classic Prestige system for this year's Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Infinity Ward made the divisive decision to drop the long-running feature in last year's Modern Warfare in favour of a seasonal multiplayer progression system that was closer to ones seen in games like Apex Legends and Fortnite.

Before Modern Warfare, multiplayer progression in Call Of Duty was such that you could reset all of your progress when you reached the maximum level. Your reward would be staring again with basic weapons and perks - but with a shiny "Prestige" medal to signal to other players that you had reached max rank.

Through this, players could rank up several times over and earn multiple Prestige to show off what a badass you were. It was a popular system, and one the vast majority of die-hard Call Of Duty fans seem keen to see return.

The good news is that it seems that's exactly what Treyarch intends to do, according to certain dataminers. The bad news is that not all dataminers involved seem to have been able to agree on the evidence they've found.

As reported by TheGamer, Twitter user, @halcyo_n claimed that they have found data in the alpha build of Black Ops Cold War that points to the awaited return of the Prestige system. Unfortunately a second leaker - the incredibly reliable TheGamingRevolution - claims that this code is simply left over from Black Ops 4, and isn't indicative of a Prestige revival.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War /

Of course, even if the code found in the alpha can't be taken as evidence, that doesn't mean Prestige definitely isn't coming back. A lot of what we've seen and heard of leaked Black Ops Cold War gameplay so far hints at a much more traditional multiplayer Call Of Duty experience, and Prestige is a big part of that.

Then again, Modern Warfare and Warzone found tremendous success and financial gain through the Battle Pass. If there's a way for Activision and Treyarch to somehow combine the two progression systems, I've no doubt that's what we'll get. The official multiplayer debut of Black Ops Cold War is scheduled for tomorrow, so perhaps we'll learn more then.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Black Ops Cold War, Treyarch, Call of Duty, Activision