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'Minecraft' Player Beats The Game Without Taking A Single Step

'Minecraft' Player Beats The Game Without Taking A Single Step

An incredible feat without feet.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Gamers are wildly stubborn, brilliantly inventive creatures. There have been many, many times when a particular player has conquered every challenge in a game and become so adept at said game that, instead of simply moving on to something new, they decide to come up with their own utterly ridiculous self-imposed challenges so that they continue to enjoy the title that's given them so much joy.

Recent examples of this phenomena include beating various bosses in Resident Evil 4 entirely by kicking open doors (seriously), and beating the main story in Skyrim using nothing but a torch. Both incredibly stupid, and both insanely time-consuming - but both ended up making for fantastic stories.

The latest addition to this noble tradition, this proud lineage, is a brave Minecraft player who managed to beat the entire game without taking a single step. Yes, you read that right, my friend. YouTuber TheHeightAdvantage has done what I never dared to dream was possible and managed to make it to the (more popular than ever before) survival/building sim's end game and took out the Ender Dragon without ever moving his own two digital feet.


Given that I don't think any one of us has ever considered beating Minecraft without walking was possible, our intrepid YouTuber had to call on a hell of a lot of creativity to get it done. As he explains inthis video, after generating a new world, he did away with the walking keys to avoid accidentally stepping forward and ruining the run. While standing entirely still then, he started chopping trees, gathering resources, and crafting the items needed to kick off a run in Minecraft.

Obviously, resources are limited and if you refuse to leave your immediate vicinity you're probably eventually going to run out of things to gather and craft with. As a result, TheHeightAdvantage came up with a crafty workaround and crafted a boat. You can still mount a boat even if it's been placed on land, and climbing aboard will automatically move your character over to it. Through this, TheHeightAdvantage was able to slowly move around without walking by placing the boat, mounting it, collecting it, placing it in front of him again, and repeating the whole process till he got where he needed to go - a water source.

Once TheHeightAdvantage found water, he was able to scoop amounts of liquid up in a bucket and use the boat as an actual boat, making travel that much more efficient. Eventually the YouTuber was able to mount a pig (named "Little Timmy") and ride him around to gather up the remaining tools and resources he needed to make it to The End and face the Ender Dragon.


PC Gamer reports that TheHeightAdvange took around 30 hours to finally finish his no-waling attempt, but it was ultimately successful. Sadly, while I'd love to tell you that this story has an entirely happy ending, I cannot. Little Timmy did not survive his encounter with the Ender Dragon. Please, congratulate TheHeightAdvange on his achievement, but never forget the sacrifice made by Little Timmy the pig. You made it all possible, buddy.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Minecraft