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'World Of Warcraft' Player Hits Level Cap After Picking Millions Of Flowers

'World Of Warcraft' Player Hits Level Cap After Picking Millions Of Flowers

They rose all the way to the top.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Getting to the top in an RPG - any RPG - is never pretty. More often than not the grind comes at the expense of the lives with countless monsters. The road to reaching the maximum level is paved with the blood of our enemies... but there's one World Of Warcraft player who's proven time and time again that it doesn't actually have to be that way.

As reported by PC Gamer, Doubleagent is a popular World Of Warcraft player and pacifist pandaren monk who enjoys reaching the level cap without spilling a single drop of blood. In this instance, our hero reached the game's new level cap of 60 by picking millions of flowers - all without leaving the Wandering Isle, an early-game zone designed for players under level 10.

Brilliantly, Doubleagent stated that he never left the Wandering Isle because it could have damaged his reputation and standing as a man of peace. See, leaving this area means you have to choose on of the game's two factions: The Alliance Or The Horde. Choosing either would be making a choice to get involved in an endless conflict responsible for untold violence. Staying put, not choosing a side, and just picking flowers was all the statement our hero needed to make.

Of course reaching the level cap by picking flowers and doing nothing else was not something Blizzard ever actually intended for players, so it's not really the most rewarding way to play the game. While others were out in the world slaying dragons and exploring ancient ruins, Doubleagent spent thousands of hours walking round in a circle, clicking on flowers as they respawned.

You'd think this might have gotten old for him given how many times he's done it already, but it would seem not. Back in 2016 Doubleagent spent an astonishing 8,000 in-game picking flowers to get to the maximum level of 110 during the Legion expansion. When Battle for Azeroth launched in 2018 and increased that level cap to 120, he spent another 240 or so hours doing the same thing.

A lot has changed since World of Warcraft originally launched
A lot has changed since World of Warcraft originally launched

The good news is that because Shadowlands has lowered the level cap down to 60, Doubleagent seems to have spent a lot less time achieving his goal this time around. Shadowlands only released a month ago, and the previous jump from 110 to 120 took around 77 days. He's yet to reveal how many hours he's actually put into Shadowlands so far, but we can at least assume it was considerably less than this, which is... something.

All told, this is another amazing achievement - and a real testament to Doubleagent's incredible patience and commitment to nonviolence in World Of Warcraft. Here's to many more years of flower-picking action.

Featured Image Credit: Blizzard

Topics: News, Blizzard, World of Warcraft