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InFamous is overdue a reboot or remake, fans argue

InFamous is overdue a reboot or remake, fans argue

One more game to add to the reboot list

It has become a staple part of the gaming industry for fans to pine for a remaster or reboot of an old familiar title. This comes up almost every week with a different game or franchise, particularly with the advent of the current generation of consoles as fans want to see those favourites given a gorgeous makeover.

The latest franchise to have fans begging is InFamous, the PlayStation exclusive that featured a protagonist with superhuman powers. Originally, the series had three mainline games and two spin-offs, all of which were received well by players.

PlayStation 3 games are playable via PlayStation Plus Premium.

Now, over on Reddit, fans are wishing the franchise would get a remake or a reboot. InFamous, originally developed by Sucker Punch, needs a remake “with the modern Spider-Man mechanics” says one redditor. While another said, “I would take a port that runs more than five frames per second.”

Some fans are asking a lot: “I want a continuation of the franchise and a trilogy remaster.” This might be a bit beyond Sony and Sucker Punch, but we can dream. Really, most people would be happy just to see a new game, and it’s an IP that Sony has been sat on for some time with no movement. This is the sentiment from one user who said, “Honestly, Sony needs to bring back a lot of old IP. It seems they create new IP each generation (which is good) then ditches a ton of last generation IP (which imo is bad). I miss a lot of the PS3 generation IP like InFamous, Resistance (my favourite Sony ip), and Killzone.”

They’re not wrong. Recently Sony has tried to focus on newer franchises that have seen success while letting other languish. A revamped lineup inspired by the PS3 era would surely sell like hot cakes and could benefit the PlayStation 5 ecosystem on the whole.

Featured Image Credit: Sucker Punch

Topics: Sony, Retro Gaming, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5