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Palworld just got a first-person mode in awesome free download

Palworld just got a first-person mode in awesome free download

Good news everyone, you can now play Palworld like a first-person shooter thanks to a new mod that shifts the camera perspective.

Good news everyone. You can now play Palworld like a first-person shooter thanks to a new mod that shifts the camera perspective.

Since its launch earlier this year, Palworld has been a colossal success despite accusations that it’s just a rip-off of Pokémon. Not only has it quickly become one of the biggest games on Steam, it’s also being backed by Xbox as new features and updates enter development for console players.

See Palworld for yourself below.

Developer PocketPair has an entire roadmap of content on the horizon for the game, including more Pals to capture, a PvP mode, and much more - though modders have been adding some features of their own as well.

These include reskins that transform the Pals into Digimon and Pokémon, with the latter quickly being shut down by Nintendo for copyright reasons, though the topic of today’s discussion revolves around a mod that introduces a new perspective to the game, first-person.

Simply titled ​​”First Person Mod” and created by Cristiferbeast, the mod does exactly what it says on the tin and gives you the option to switch to first-person mode during gameplay. This fresh perspective makes it look like you’re playing a first-person shooter, and brings you closer to the action than ever before.

Despite it not being what the developers intended when making the game, Palworld actually lends itself quite well to first-person, especially when you’re commanding and battling Pals or exploring the gorgeous open world environments.

Obviously, only those on PC will be able to experience the mod, though there’s every chance that PocketPair could introduce the first-person view as a new feature later down the line, though hopefully a bit more optimised for the gameplay.

Palworld is currently available for PC via Steam and Xbox Series X/S. A PlayStation port is not yet available, though one is rumoured to be planned/in development.

Featured Image Credit: PocketPair

Topics: Palworld, PC, Mods, Xbox