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Skyrim: Elysium looks truly next-gen, and you can download free now

Skyrim: Elysium looks truly next-gen, and you can download free now

This Skyrim mod is nothing short of incredible

Nobody needed to make Skyrim look better for us to keep playing it – yes it’s dated, but some would argue that’s just Bethesda’s aesthetic at this point. However, while we didn’t need it, seeing just how gorgeous it can look has made us fall in love with the game even more.

Skyrim: Elysium is how we grew our already substantial passion for Skyrim. This next-gen-looking mod is nothing short of spectacular, offering such a massive overhaul that this feels like a completely different game. Yet, thanks to the unforgettable soundtrack, and the foes we’ve come to recognise, we can quickly feel at home in its reshaded world.

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Fans are understandably impressed. “I gotta admit that this must be the first ultra-modded Skyrim that I actually like (not saturated af, nice depth of field, great textures etc),” posted one gamer. “Plus it runs in more than 30fps like in most vids. Great job man.”

Another fan added, “I love it. And it's just so Skyrim. You are walking along and everything is just so peaceful and beautiful, you are almost falling asleep, and then sudden gory violence!” Ah yes, if you’ve never been scared out of your skin by a sudden enemy attack, have you even played Skyrim?

Seeing Skyrim: Elysium just makes us more hungry for The Elder Scrolls VI, and while its official release date has been massively narrowed down, we still have a long wait ahead of us before we can play it. Thank goodness we have these gorgeous mods to tide us over in the meantime.

If you want to experience the “chills and nostalgia” Elysium can make you feel, be sure to read all the information provided in the video's caption to ensure this mod runs as smoothly for you as it does in the gameplay footage. This is such a “damn good” experience, it’s not to be missed.

Featured Image Credit: Digital Dreams via YouTube

Topics: Bethesda, Mods, PC, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6