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Reddit User Thinks They Have The Ugliest Controller Ever And They Are Correct

Reddit User Thinks They Have The Ugliest Controller Ever And They Are Correct

It’s… avant-garde, shall we say?

Imogen Donovan

Imogen Donovan

Funnily enough, the controllers we choose to play our games with are almost as important as the experience itself. Personalised ones help settle disputes between siblings, themed ones pay tribute to other games and movies, and unique colour combinations let your own personality shine. This PlayStation 4 controller is actually abominable, though.

I will happily lose some hours to the Xbox Design Lab which lets you create a controller with a range of colours and personalisation. All of my designs will not be as good as other people's and I will have a personal crisis because of this fact, but it is very fun. For example, a Pokémon player thought up colour combinations that remind you of iconic critters like Charizard, Totodile, Slowpoke, Ivysaur and many more. Given that there aren't a huge number of shades to choose from, the feat is impressive and I'd leap at the chance to own that awesome Butterfree one.

Check out these brilliant hydro-dipped PlayStation 4 controllers in our video below. But, a word of warning - make sure to remove all of those important buttons and boards beforehand.

We all dance to the beat of our own drum, and while we might not be looking at the controller when we play our games, it's a nifty way to show off your individuality. This controller from Reddit user SoloM13 is very individual. In fact, I'd argue it's so individual that there is a reason that no one else has a controller like it and that reason is because it is ugly.

Oh, "ugly" is a strong word, I hear you say. Look at it. Looooook. It's atrocious. The majority of the controller is green camouflage which is already my least favourite pattern of all the patterns in the world. There are gold buttons, a gold D-pad and a gold touch pad along with gold bumpers and triggers. The grips are black with neon yellow flecks of paint. And, don't even get me started on the sticks. Orange, white and mauve. Utterly lawless.

"What is this controller? First of all, it feels like it epitomizes the most irrational number out of all irrational numbers. Secondly, I fear the man who has made this, would suggest hardcore exorcism. Lastly, quantum physics prevents this," queried matmatking. And, if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, MundaneHobo suggested "then lets gouge the beholder." flashmedallion was a little more measured and asked that SoloM13 goes to the optician for a checkup.

Featured Image Credit: The Pokémon Company, Paramount Pictures

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