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Hogwarts Legacy player knows how to open Chamber Of Secrets early

Hogwarts Legacy player knows how to open Chamber Of Secrets early

One Hogwarts Legacy player has worked out how you'd open the Chamber Of Secrets

If you picked up Hogwarts Legacy over Christmas and are just joining us in the wizarding world for the first time, I suspect you have plenty of questions about the game.

If you really know your Harry Potter lore, one of the first things you'll have asked yourself is: "can I open the Chamber Of Secrets in this game?". The truth is that the entrance to the mythical chamber is in Hogwarts Legacy, but cracking it open is a little more complicated.

Take a look at Hogwarts Legacy in action below!

The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets can be found in the second-floor girls' toilet. Its exact location is made clear by a snake-engraved logo on a sink tap, which fans of the books or movies will be very familiar with. While the entrance is in Hogwarts Legacy, it's not actually possible to crack it open or go any further. Or at least, not yet.

YouTuber ESO has explored a compelling theory in which he posits how you might go about opening the Chamber Of Secrets. As I'm sure you know, the chamber can only be opened by a true heir of Slytherin. We all know this to be Tom Riddle, or Lord Voldemort, but during the time of Hogwarts Legacy, Ominous Gaunt is Slytherin's living heir.

The Basilisk was born sometime during the 10th and 11th centuries, meaning it is already lurking in the pipes of Hogwarts during the time of Hogwarts Legacy. Some fans believed they may have caught a glimpse of the ancient serpent in the Slytherin Common Room last year, but this was proved to be a glitch.

Like Tom Riddle and Harry Potter, Ominous Gaunt has the ability to speak parseltongue, meaning he can chat to serpents and open any hidden death chambers constructed by ancient racists. Handy. ESO speculates that Hogwarts Legacy or any sequel could totally crack open the Chamber Of Secrets early via Ominous Gaunt, then. Whether or not this ever happens remains to be seen, but it's good to know there's a lore-friendly reason that would allow it.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros, Harry Potter