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It's Totally Possible To Beat First 'Elden Ring' Boss And The Loot Is Awesome

It's Totally Possible To Beat First 'Elden Ring' Boss And The Loot Is Awesome

No we don't mean Mittens the pyromaniac.

Well, people have been pretty into that old Elden Ring of late haven't they? The latest FromSoftware fare is its best selling game to date, and one of the fastest selling games since Red Dead Redemption 2. One of the reasons for the absolutely smashing commercial success is that critics gave it so many tens, a nine was thought of as a bad review.

Director Hidetaka Miyazaki promised the game would be more approachable, offering players a variety of ways to take on the challenges. However, there is one challenge right at the start of the game which you really don't have time to prepare for. We're not on about the sword smashing cymbal monkey some people have been struggling against, but Grafted Scion, the dual wielding sword spider from the tutorial.

If you want to see strategies on how to beat Grafted Scion and what items he drops watch the video here.

As with all soulsbourne games there are two rules; patience and observation. Keeping your distance and waiting for the opening is the way to bring down the boss. Content creator Garden Of Eyes uses a bow and arrow adding fire power when he can. The result is that they manage to take down the seemingly unmanageable tutorial boss in a surprisingly low number of hits.

Just because you don't have to take down Grafted Scion, doesn't mean you shouldn't. If you manage to fell this imposing foe you will be blessed with the weaponry which makes him unique. The reward for your efforts is the Ornamental Straight Sword, the twin sai it uses along with the self imbuing holy damage. 

You will also pick up the Golden Beast Crest Shield - an impressively large shield which is not without its uses, especially so early in the game. You also get access to a new little area so, why not try jumping?

Featured Image Credit: FromSoftware

Topics: Elden Ring, Fromsoftware