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Metal Gear Solid 4 remaster has seemingly leaked online

Metal Gear Solid 4 remaster has seemingly leaked online

It appears that a remastered version of Metal Gear Solid 4 is on the way based on a change on the Metal Gear Solid site.

It’s a very exciting time to be a fan of the Metal Gear series. As well as the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 3 remake, we have an entire collection of remastered titles coming our way thanks to the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1.

In case you’ve been hiding in a cardboard box for the last month, it was first confirmed during May’s PlayStation Showcase that the collection will feature Metal Gear Solid and HD Collection versions of both Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Konami recently revealed that it will also include Metal Gear, the NES/Famicom version of Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and Snake’s Revenge (not to mention some digital graphic novels and screenplay books).

Take a look at the trailer for the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater below.

As exciting as that all is, one key point which I’m sure no fan missed about the Master Collection is the fact that it’s literally got “Vol. 1” at the end of its name. Although Konami hasn’t yet confirmed any details of a second collection, it seems like pretty much a given that it’s going to happen at some point.

As IGN reports, it could be happening sooner than we imagined. Twitter user @Nitroid pointed out that on the official Metal Gear Solid website, inspecting the timeline page reveals that placeholder buttons have been put in place for Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid 5, and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

While this might not seem to mean much on its own, as @Nitroid points out, the working buttons on the Metal Gear timeline no longer link to the original pages for each game, but instead go to totally separate pages advertising the Master Collection. This could imply that the currently inactive buttons will eventually do the same.

What’s more, IGN claims that the trio of games which has been identified by inspecting the page is indeed an accurate lineup for the Master Collection Vol. 2. Konami is yet to confirm this, however.

Featured Image Credit: Konami

Topics: Metal Gear Solid, Konami