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Red Dead Redemption 2 players would love to see Eagle Flies, Rain Falls DLC

Red Dead Redemption 2 players would love to see Eagle Flies, Rain Falls DLC

We'd love to see it

Red Dead Redemption 2 is, undeniably, one of the greatest video games of all time. From its enormously detailed open world to its stellar writing and performances, it really us the full package. There is one caveat, however.

Despite fast approaching its fifth anniversary (with no plans for a new-gen update), Red Dead Redemption 2 just isn't getting any single-player post-launch support. Sure, modders can be relied upon to add new content and offer complete graphical overhauls, but beyond that it seems Rockstar has forgotten its game exists.

Take a look at some of the best Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails below!

While Rockstar has no official plans to single-player DLC any time soon (and, let's be honest, probably not ever), fans know exactly what they want to see. You know, besides the obvious choice of Undead Nightmare 2.

The top of the list for fans hoping for Red Dead Redemption 2 DLC is an excellent idea: new stories centred around Eagle Flies and Rain Falls.

For those who might not remember, Eagle Flies and Rain Falls are members of the Wapiti. Rain Falls is Chieftain of the tribe, and Arthur Morgan rubs shoulders with the duo throughout several of Red Dead Redemption 2’s main story missions - particularly as we barrel towards the ending.

Clearly, however, fans feel this father-son duo have more stories to tell. Reddit user Akiens took to the game's subreddit to write: “The Rain Falls and Eagle Flies saga is underrated, some of my favourite missions from story mode.”

Jordaneleed agreed, saying, “I would have loved a DLC with more missions with them, would’ve paid almost anything from it,” while cainsdilema added: “Agreed. I would pay another 50 or 60 for 10 -15 hrs of DLC.”

This ties into a wider point that we should embrace better representation in games, of course, and touches on the idea that Charles Smith should be the star of Red Dead Redemption 3, or at least his own game.

Kansas_slim wrote: “Would love a game with a native protagonist set earlier in time that RDR2.” Famizofpower agreed, adding, “We need more native representation in games. If I trust anyone to do this, it's Rockstar. The research they put into RDR is stellar.”

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games