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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 first review appears online early

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 first review appears online early

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 first review appears online early

With the release date for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fast approaching, fans are eager to see if it is going to be worth the wait. Now thanks to a leaked review from one Youtube gaming channel, we know we can expect something amazing.

As with any big release, the last few weeks have consisted of reviewers being handed the digital code to the title in order to get ready to post their thoughts on release day. For Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the day in question will be 20 October with the game’s embargo lifting on the 16th. Until then, reviewers have an obligation to stay quiet but that was unfortunately not the case for one Youtube channel who seemingly released their review a bit too early.

Check out our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 preview below!

GameXplain uploaded a 48-minute review to their channel yesterday detailing their thoughts on the upcoming action-adventure game. Upon realising their mistake, they soon removed the video but not before viewers had made copies of it. Now thanks to those quick-fingered people, we know exactly how GameXplain will be rating the web-slinging sequel and it is pretty high.

We won't spoil their full impressions here, but if you're desperate to get the skinny early you can head over to Reddit to see what the reviewers had to say. Given the review was up for around three hours before it was taken down, a fair few internet folk managed to watch the whole thing. Nightmare scenario.

It remains to be seen if other reviewers will love Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 as much as this leaked review but with just a few days ago, we haven’t got long until we’re back swinging around New York with our favourite Spider-Man.

Featured Image Credit: Insomniac Games

Topics: Marvels Spider Man, Insomniac Games, PlayStation 5